The Word of God
We embrace the unalterable truth that the Holy Bible, in its entirety, is the inerrant and inspired Word of God. It is timeless, relevant, reliable, and is our guide for life. It is the ultimate standard of truth.
Holy Spirit Dependent
We believe in the work of the Holy Spirit who seeks out and brings the lost to salvation, sanctifies the believer into the body of Christ, and empowers them to overcome sin and to serve Christ in His kingdom.
Devoted Discipleship
We endeavor to equip believers to become fully mature disciples of Christ, in turn who will disciple others.
Mission Oriented
We are firmly committed to God’s mission for the church by proclaiming the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ locally and globally, and living it out for God’s glory.
Joyful Worship
We glorify and honor God in sincere expressions of praise, gratitude, and service through contemporary and traditional songs of worship.
Generous Stewardship
We aim to be faithful and generous stewards of the
time, talents and treasures that God has given us, using them for the good of others and for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom.
Relationship Oriented
We respond to Christ’s love by striving to love others
the way He loves us.
Prayer Dependent
Recognizing our total dependence on Him for all things, communicating our adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplications.
We not only believe sharing the gospel verbally is to be a part of our way of life, but we are also committed to sharing the Word via outreach and street evangelism throughout our communities.
Our goal as a church is to edify and build each other up for the works of service and for the ministry. FEC desires to provide every believer with the tools to discover their God given talents and to determine how they may follow the Lord’s leading in serving in our church. Many opportunities exist! Contact us with any questions.
Renewal of all Things
We believe in the personal, glorious, and bodily return of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. At that time, Jesus will consummate His kingdom and exercise his role as final Judge with all mankind. Believers in Christ will dwell with Him eternally with resurrected bodies on a renewed heaven and earth. Those that do not know Jesus will be separated from God eternally in everlasting punishment.
The Lord’s Supper & Baptism
The two ordinances of the Church left to us by our Lord are baptism and the Lord's Supper. We practice both of these grace’s regularly at FEC, visibly and symbolically proclaiming the Lord’s death and the new life He gives until His return.
Our Beliefs
We are part of the Great tradition of historic Christianity, which is rooted in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and is summarized in the great confessions of faith such as the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.
We deeply value the collaboration, accountability, and visible expression of the gospel that comes through the structure of a plurality of elders and leaders, all under the authority of Jesus Christ, the head of the Church.