BIBLE STUDY - Sunday’s 9:30 AM:
‘Foundations’ - A Study in the Doctrines of the Christian Faith
Foundations in the Faith…
[2 Timothy 1:13, 15 NASB95] 13 Retain the standard of sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. ...
King David said in Psalm 11:13, “If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?" Sound doctrine goes even beyond building a solid foundation in the faith. Our doctrine also will dictate our behavior, how we interpret the scriptures and ultimately how we view our mission given by the Lord to make disciples of the nations, teaching them all He taught and commanded us through His Word.
Come join us each Sunday at 9:30 AM as we go through the Westminster Shorter Catechism with scripture proofs, and discuss the historic doctrines of the Christian Faith, digging into their scriptural foundations.
Watch or listen to previous sermons here or on Spotify and Apple Podcasts