FEC is firmly committed to proclaiming the Gospel of salvation of Jesus Christ and making disciples locally and globally. We strive to express this value in our church through prayer and financial support with a minimum of 10% of our overall budget being allocated towards missions. Below are some of the missionaries we support.
Gary and Terri Camlin
Gary & Terri serve with ReachGlobal, the international mission of the Evangelical Free Church of America. They have lived in Loures, a suburb of Lisbon, Portugal since 1997. Gary serves as assistant director of the Portuguese Bible Institute and professor of practical theology and New Testament exegesis. Terri serves as administrative assistant of the school. Both also mentor students who are preparing for positions of leadership in local churches.
Gene and Linda Wilson
Gene and Linda have been church planters in Quebec and involved in church planting coaching in Latin America. Gene serves with ReachGlobal as the Director of Church Planting. He develops and equips people for the multiplication of healthy, transformational churches around the globe. Gene works with key leaders from Latin America, Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East to foster partnerships with national leaders and coach and train nationals for church multiplication.
Roy and Judy Larsen
Ray and Judy both serve with Immigrant Hope Ministries. This is a non-profit organization that provides immigrants with the HOPE of the gospel, HELP finding a path to legal residency, and a HOME in a church that cares for their needs. Roy and Judy have been married for 32 years and have 4 grown children and one grandchild. He loves to go camping, play a slower game of basketball, raise vegetables and read mysteries. Roy grew up in Queens, went to High School in Manhattan, worked at 2 different hospitals in Brooklyn and lived for 5 years on Staten Island after being married. He loves working with the pastors and churches that represent many nations and cultures. Roy and Judy have been married for 32 years and have 4 grown children and one grandchild. He loves to go camping, play a slower game of basketball, raise vegetables and read mysteries. And he loves working with Immigrant Hope!
Mohan Masih
Mohan is an indigenous missionary serving as a Pastor in Uttar Pradesh, for 5 Years, and has been preaching the Gospel in Northern India for over 20 years. In 2008, when Pastor Pat went on a missions trip to India, Mohan and he preached the Gospel in several villages together through a medical camp team. Mohan was Pat's translator. They have developed a great friendship and have stayed in touch, partnering together and praying for each other's ministry ever since.
Please pray for Mohan his family and his team of 4 leaders as his district has now passed anti-conversion laws, making it a crime to proselytize or become a Christian. Each are planting churches (along with Mohan), in the area of Utter Pradesh. Mohan is married to Rajkumari and they have two young sons, Israel (5 yrs old) and Elijah (8 yrs old).
Support Mohan’s ministry by clicking here. Contact him using the button below.
Ruth Lin
Ruth serves as an Area Team Leader at Perspectives USA through Reliant Missions Organization. The Perspectives Study Program (also known as Perspectives USA) exists to awaken the Church to pursue the fulfillment of God’s global purpose within every people for His glory. This is accomplished through education rooted in a coherent, biblical paradigm.