First Place

What does it mean to put something ‘first’ in your life? Well, you'll be thinking about that first thing often, if not constantly. You'll make sacrifices for that first thing. You'll give up everything else that conflicts or gets in the way of that first thing. All other things in your life are not first, they come after.

Whatever may be 'first place' in your life, this also will be something you would not let go of easily. As a matter of fact, if this something in your life were to be threatened or taken away, you may even lay your own life down to get it back. The saying goes, ‘find something you love and live for it’. I prefer, ‘find something you would die for and live for it’. Being willing to lay down your life for something would certainly be putting that first in your life.

This was Jesus’ mentality. Jesus put the Father's will first. He died for His people. Jesus came to live for us so He could then die for us. Jesus lived to faithfully down His life. This was His first priority. What we put first in our life will be evident because that will be the very thing which is most important to us. What are you putting first in your life? What are you living for at this very moment?

In the Book of Nehemiah we see a really good example of what it means to put not just anything first, but to put God first in your life. God was first place in Nehemiah’s life. We know this from his heart for God’s promise's, his sacrificial obedience to his calling, and his actions of trusting God even though he wasn’t sure of the next step.

In our passage Nehemiah 5:14-19, Nehemiah finds himself as governor of Jerusalem with much power and opportunity. He could have easily put himself first rather than enjoy the temporary pleasure of riches. Nehemiah forsook the pursuit of pleasure and put God first. And this is what every person who calls him or herself a Christian must do: put Jesus in the first place on our priority list.

But why is this so hard sometimes and why is it so difficult to maintain? Listen below at Nehemiah’s example and see how you can once and for all give Jesus the place He deserves and requires - first and foremost important priority!

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