Public Enemy #1

Jesus was perfectly faithful to His Father in coming and 'getting it done'. He did everything He needed to do within His short time here and during His three year ministry. He humbly came, endured and succeeded in His mission. This is God's plan for you during your time here at this very point in history - to endure to the end and complete the mission He's given you. As Jesus was faithful to the Father, He wants you to be faithful through Christ as you complete your holy, God-given, kingdom-building task.

The biggest opponent for Jesus wasn't necessary Satan himself, but it was death itself (1 Corinthians 15:57). Jesus defeated death and rose from the dead after absorbing and becoming sin for us. As humans who are separated from God by sin from birth, death is also our biggest enemy. Facing physical death, the power of spiritual death and ultimately the choice of eternal death, is the challenge of every person born into this world.

In this sermon, as we finish John chapter 8, we will hear Jesus' answer to these serious dilemmas. Jesus frankly explains why and how He can save His people from all forms of death, (something that John's been cryptically telling us all along) - Because He is in fact God, the great 'I AM'.

We'll continue in verse 48 and finish out the chapter in verse 59. We will also go through a quick summary of the entire chapter so try and read all of chapter 8 before tomorrow's service :-) Also, pay close attention to the scripture readings before the message.

As you hopefully sit and enjoy your weekend, contemplate and consider how great a God we serve. Is He not indescribable? One who came to be with you, to live for you and to die for you - while you (and I) were unable to even comprehend Him. While we were sinners, He died for us. (Romans 5:8). Grace upon grace. Wherever you are right now in your walk, Jesus Christ is graciously with you. Know that and believe that. 'In Him we live and move and exist' [Acts 17:28). Death has no real power over you any more as you abide in Him. The fear of death is simply a defeated tyrant.

Click below to listen to the sermon on John 8:48-59

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